Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film > Q&A
How long is the validity period of Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film? How to prove its anti-bacterial effectiveness?
As long as the surface condition is (damage-free) intact, it can provide with at least 24 months’ validity.
What materials are used to make Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film?
It is made by mixtures of materials such as solid silver ion and silicone, which can effectively correspond to the existing 3 products. It can be applied onto different surfaces such as wall paintings, doors, desktops, printed material and personal hygiene peripheral products.
How thick is Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film?
Will Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film affect the appearance?
No, Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film is a transparent film, hence it will not affect the image color of the bottom layer.
The benefits of using Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film?
Viruses usually transmit through objects via human contact. When using objects from the surroundings such as door handles and buttons, frequent contacts act as a channel for virus transmissions and the disinfecting time and effectiveness become a major issue.

The alcohol liquid disinfectants in the market take up to 20-30 seconds to sterilize. They are mainly used as hand sanitizers. Alcohol disinfectants are water-soluble sterilizers, which remain inside and affect one’s health once entered into human body, and are not suitable for young children and people with allergies.

Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film’s surfaces can remain bacteria-free at all times. The materials and installation process will not release chemicals and will not cause allergies, reducing the risk of exposure to infants and people with allergies.
What is the difference between Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film and disinfectant coating sprays in the market?
Disinfectant coating sprays cannot be coated evenly on objects and are mostly disposable which last up to 90 days. What we are using are solid silver ions which are made by PVD. They are absolutely compact and even, thus the anti-bacterial function can last up to 24 months.
Do silver ions affect the human body?
Water solubility in liquid state is toxic. The solid silver ions used in VBF are not only harmless to humans, but can also break down virus vectors and cell walls of the bacteria effectively, which have many advantages.
Will silver ions be consumed/run out?
As long as the film surface is intact with no damage, the silver ions inside will not be wiped out or fall out easily, and the effectiveness remains intact.
Can Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film help me on hand disinfection? Or bacteria-free objects?
Films can be antibacterial (killing existing microorganisms and avoid their reproductions) and bacteriostatic (prevent or suppress bacteria growth) to keep object surfaces bacteria-free and reduce the risk of infection from direct contact.

For sterilizing the surface of skin, in theory by making contact with the coating for at least 20 seconds, skin surfaces can be sterilized. However, we recommend sterilizing your hands in the correct way by using alcohol hand sanitizers or washing your hands with soap. Please pay attention on using the most suitable product on the right circumstance.
What kind of surfaces can Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film be applied to?
Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film can be mounted on flat surfaces in general, and it can also be mounted on patterned stickers for decorative use.
Will it be affected by high temperature?
According to laboratory tests, the films can withstand high temperature from 150⁰C (30 minutes) to 190⁰C (10 minutes), hence the films are not suitable to be mounted at the bottom of kitchen stoves or near high heat machines.
How to clean Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film?
Clear water is enough for daily cleaning. If there is grease on the surface, clean with soap water. Avoid using corrosive disinfection and cleaning agents to damage the structure of the antibacterial film and affect the sterilization effect.
Can personal cleanliness or disinfection be reduced after using Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film?
Although Nano-Antibacterial Coating Film can provide long-term protection and reduce the risk of transmission from objects, personal hygiene is still important.